Bevin Daniels
Physical therapist
About me
Bevin Daniels is a physical therapist and a board certified orthopedic specialist. In orthopedic care, she has a particular focus on shoulder pathologies and thoracic outlet syndrome. She also has expertise in women's health, and has a special interest in urinary incontinence and pelvic pain in women. To help patients achieve their goals, her approach incorporates both manual therapy and therapeutic exercise.
In addition to caring for patients, Daniels is a volunteer instructor in the joint physical therapy program of UCSF and San Francisco State University.
Daniels received both her master's degree and her doctor of physical therapy degree from the joint program of UCSF and San Francisco State University.
Daniels is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). She is active in her local APTA chapter.
UCSF/San Francisco State University, DPT, 2005
UCSF/San Francisco State University, MS, Physical Therapy, 2004